Collaboration is Key for Pro Video & Photo Productions

When considering a production company for your next professional video or photo project, keep in mind that collaboration is key. There will be a lot of calls, emails, and texts and lots of questions asked during pre-production. It’s important that you have a clear vision of what you’d like to achieve so that the production […]

Morgan Medical Center Photography

Physical therapist and patient at Morgan Medical Center

Because the videos we made with our friends at Lenz Marketing for Morgan Medical Center were such a hit, we were asked back to shoot a photographic library. With an ambitious shot list in hand, our team set out early to capture the many faces and services of Morgan Medical. After capturing hundreds of images […]

Tips for Repurposing Visual Content

I’ve been a collector of many things over the years starting with stickers, then records, guitars, radios, cameras and more. Collecting can be great fun, but it can also get overwhelming.  The video footage and still images we collect from client shoots can feel that way sometimes, but there is value to be had in […]

Video + Photo = Hybrid Shoot Success!

We capture and create visual content for different companies, organizations, schools and more to use in marketing and promotional campaigns. For many years, we were focused on video creation only, but in 2019 added photography as a service we provide too. We understand that when we show up with a team of people, carts of […]

NYC Street Photography on 5th Ave.

Mixed Bag Media hires architectural photographers all around the U.S. to shoot for Adrenaline, an experience design agency with a focus on financial institutions. The most recent assignment was to showcase the newly installed wraparound digital signage in a 5th Ave. bank branch in the heart of New York City. Because of the marquee location, […]

Photo Libraries, Heat Waves & the Secrets of the Universe

As the saying goes, “Time flies when you’re having fun,” and that’s definitely true for us! When thinking about how to recap last year, I was surprised to realize when different projects took place. For instance, Masterack provided us with an opportunity to shoot a library of new photography for a website redesign that was […]

Raisin D’Etre Winery photo gallery

Just a few weeks ago, I drove into the golden hills of Lafayette, California on my way to a new adventure. From my past life as Director of Photography for the DIY Network TV show Fresh From the Garden, shooting in a farming/garden environment was not new, but shooting in amongst grape vines on the […]

Mapping Creativity Pt. 2

After Jim attended the Mapping Creativity #fieldtrip hosted by Creative Mornings, we had more than a few conversations and email exchanges about it. Talking about different ways of simply getting ideas out of your head started a whole new discussion. After including our good friend, colleague, and lead video editor, David Robinson, he shared this […]

Mapping Creativity

I’ve always loved maps. Anytime a book has a map I spend hours pouring over it, imagining the world that is represented from that idealized bird’s eye view, seeing relationships between places that enhance and deepen my understanding of the story being told. When I travel I always study maps of the place I’m visiting […]

A Better Way Diagram

As a visual content production company, we produce a lot of great work, but we don’t talk about it enough. Much of our work is created in a vacuum and after a project is done and delivered, I hate to admit this, but it’s often out of sight, out of mind. That’s going to change. […]

Masterack Photo Library Shoot

The day started with a massive car crash on I-20 heading east from Atlanta to Social Circle, GA. Luckily we were not part of the crash, but when something like this happens, it’s easy to feel like it’s a bad omen for the day. Once we arrived at the Masterack manufacturing plant, all worries were […]

MBM’s Tips For Staying Safe on Set

While Covid-19 has slowed much of the world to a crawl, we have been fortunate enough to keep working over the last few months.  We help our clients keep communicating by creating new and fresh visual content. There are options for remote productions that yield great work, but sometimes on-location video and photo shoots are still […]