Mapping Creativity Pt. 2

After Jim attended the Mapping Creativity #fieldtrip hosted by Creative Mornings, we had more than a few conversations and email exchanges about it. Talking about different ways of simply getting ideas out

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Mapping Creativity

I’ve always loved maps. Anytime a book has a map I spend hours pouring over it, imagining the world that is represented from that idealized bird’s eye view, seeing relationships between places

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A Better Way Diagram

As a visual content production company, we produce a lot of great work, but we don’t talk about it enough. Much of our work is created in a vacuum and after a

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Unified Artists Guild Spec Spot

On location video and photo shoots are happening, but not like before Coronavirus rolled into town. Because marketing budgets are being cut and general safety concerns of the day, we’ve been working

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At Mixed Bag Media, we hold the right to vote dear to our hearts. We get excited when it’s time to vote. We like to participate. Participating in our Democracy is fun!

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