Silicosis Safety Precaution Photography

Silicosis is an incurable lung disease often documented among those in stone fabrication industries. In our first bi-coastal, hybrid video/photo shoot, we captured the story of a worker in San Mateo, CA who now suffers from the disease, then went to a countertop maker outside of Atlanta, GA to capture video and photography showing the […]

Photo Libraries, Heat Waves & the Secrets of the Universe

As the saying goes, “Time flies when you’re having fun,” and that’s definitely true for us! When thinking about how to recap last year, I was surprised to realize when different projects took place. For instance, Masterack provided us with an opportunity to shoot a library of new photography for a website redesign that was […]

Kaki King at the Ferst Center for the Arts

We are never short on ideas for “cool” projects to work on. Whether those ideas can actually pay the bills is another matter though. We were fortunate recently to work on a “real” project that is reminiscent of something we’d dream up. Kaki King, a Brooklyn, NY based composer and musician, who is known for […]

The Georgia Tech Capstone Design Expo Was Different This Year…VERY Different

Mixed Bag Media has been producing promotional videos for Georgia Tech’s Capstone Design Expo for nearly a decade, and we’ve always loved the energy, excitement and enthusiasm of student teams coming together from across campus, new ideas in the air, and the promise of groundbreaking technology. This year Amit Jariwala, the Director of Design & […]