Collaboration is Key for Pro Video & Photo Productions

When considering a production company for your next professional video or photo project, keep in mind that collaboration is key. There will be a lot of calls, emails, and texts and lots of questions asked during pre-production. It’s important that you have a clear vision of what you’d like to achieve so that the production […]

Raisin D’Etre Winery photo gallery

Just a few weeks ago, I drove into the golden hills of Lafayette, California on my way to a new adventure. From my past life as Director of Photography for the DIY Network TV show Fresh From the Garden, shooting in a farming/garden environment was not new, but shooting in amongst grape vines on the […]

A Better Way Diagram

As a visual content production company, we produce a lot of great work, but we don’t talk about it enough. Much of our work is created in a vacuum and after a project is done and delivered, I hate to admit this, but it’s often out of sight, out of mind. That’s going to change. […]