On The Road With Kamstrup

Photograph depicting water pipeline construction work in Microfton, AL captured for Kamstrup case study article.

When our friends at Kamstrup decided to roadtrip through Alabama and Tennessee to capture success stories on video as part of the Insights case study collection, we got the call to provide photography support along the way. Photo libraries like these are great for use in case studies, but also work well on social, in […]

Tips for Repurposing Visual Content

I’ve been a collector of many things over the years starting with stickers, then records, guitars, radios, cameras and more. Collecting can be great fun, but it can also get overwhelming.  The video footage and still images we collect from client shoots can feel that way sometimes, but there is value to be had in […]

A Better Way Diagram

As a visual content production company, we produce a lot of great work, but we don’t talk about it enough. Much of our work is created in a vacuum and after a project is done and delivered, I hate to admit this, but it’s often out of sight, out of mind. That’s going to change. […]

Curiosity Does Not Necessarily Lead to the Death of Felines

I love to learn new things – you could even say that I’m a naturally curious person (if you’re given to making those kinds of statements). And believe me when I tell you, that trait comes in handy as a video producer, especially making the kinds of videos we make at Mixed Bag Media. Curiosity […]