Collaboration is Key for Pro Video & Photo Productions

When considering a production company for your next professional video or photo project, keep in mind that collaboration is key. There will be a lot of calls, emails, and texts and lots of questions asked during pre-production. It’s important that you have a clear vision of what you’d like to achieve so that the production […]

Oro Loma Sanitary District Loves the Local Community

Oro Loma Sanitary District has a reputation for loving their local community, so as a way to strengthen their relationships and meet new neighbors who have moved into the area, OLSD invited everybody over for a cookout. Good eats, interactive displays and a cool breeze from San Francisco Bay made for a fun day in […]

Silicosis Safety Precaution Photography

Silicosis is an incurable lung disease often documented among those in stone fabrication industries. In our first bi-coastal, hybrid video/photo shoot, we captured the story of a worker in San Mateo, CA who now suffers from the disease, then went to a countertop maker outside of Atlanta, GA to capture video and photography showing the […]

Morgan Medical Center Photography

Physical therapist and patient at Morgan Medical Center

Because the videos we made with our friends at Lenz Marketing for Morgan Medical Center were such a hit, we were asked back to shoot a photographic library. With an ambitious shot list in hand, our team set out early to capture the many faces and services of Morgan Medical. After capturing hundreds of images […]

On The Road With Kamstrup

Photograph depicting water pipeline construction work in Microfton, AL captured for Kamstrup case study article.

When our friends at Kamstrup decided to roadtrip through Alabama and Tennessee to capture success stories on video as part of the Insights case study collection, we got the call to provide photography support along the way. Photo libraries like these are great for use in case studies, but also work well on social, in […]

Tips for Repurposing Visual Content

I’ve been a collector of many things over the years starting with stickers, then records, guitars, radios, cameras and more. Collecting can be great fun, but it can also get overwhelming.  The video footage and still images we collect from client shoots can feel that way sometimes, but there is value to be had in […]

Atlanta Ballet’s “Coco Chanel – The Life of a Fashion Icon”

Atlanta Ballet dancer portrays Coco Chanel.

When the Atlanta Ballet got in touch and asked us to partner with them and produce promo videos for the North American Premiere of “Coco Chanel: The Life of a Fashion Icon” we jumped at the opportunity. Ideas started flowing as soon as we read “One dancer weaving through mannequins, using light and shadow to […]

Video + Photo = Hybrid Shoot Success!

We capture and create visual content for different companies, organizations, schools and more to use in marketing and promotional campaigns. For many years, we were focused on video creation only, but in 2019 added photography as a service we provide too. We understand that when we show up with a team of people, carts of […]

You Don’t Need a Big Budget, Just Good Ideas!

This Content Marketing Institute article provides good data to back up our experience that both the popularity and need for high quality video content for business continues to grow; but the examples cited cover a wide range of budgets, so let’s take a closer look at what happens after a client knows they need a […]

APA SF Artist Interviews

Last November, I volunteered to produce a series of recorded online interviews with the winners of the 2021 APA SF “Something Personal” contest. I know, 2021 seems like a million years ago already, but the goal with these videos was to promote the event in early December where the 2022 winners would be announced. I […]

NYC Street Photography on 5th Ave.

Mixed Bag Media hires architectural photographers all around the U.S. to shoot for Adrenaline, an experience design agency with a focus on financial institutions. The most recent assignment was to showcase the newly installed wraparound digital signage in a 5th Ave. bank branch in the heart of New York City. Because of the marquee location, […]

Photo Libraries, Heat Waves & the Secrets of the Universe

As the saying goes, “Time flies when you’re having fun,” and that’s definitely true for us! When thinking about how to recap last year, I was surprised to realize when different projects took place. For instance, Masterack provided us with an opportunity to shoot a library of new photography for a website redesign that was […]